The PD Naughty List
As we approach holiday season, now seems like the perfect time to talk about my PD naughty list. These are things that professional development facilitators should never say. Really, please don’t say these things. It strips away your credibility and makes for a less impactful experience for your participants.
I am really new at this.
I’ve never done this training before.
I’m sorry! I’m just so nervous!
We’re going to try to get out early.
We are really behind schedule so I’m going to speed up.
I know all of us are tired but we have to keep going a little longer.
I know you just got comfortable, but we’re going to get up for an activity.
Speak from a place of confidence. Nobody wants to learn from someone who appears to be unsure or unqualified. When PD facilitators are passionate and excited, the feeling is contagious.
What else is on your PD naughty list? What phrase from your professional development facilitator frustrates you the most?
Need to experience why these are on the PD naughty list? Check out this video below from comedian and former teacher Devon Siebold.
Image by Jill Wellington from Pixabay