Grow Your Mind

What Are You a Genius At?
When was the last time you stopped to think about what your strengths are? It can be easy to get caught up in all of the improvements we need to make that we lose sight of our strengths and how to optimize them.

Guest Blog: Is Your Classroom a Haven for Risk Taking & Growth?
I felt embarrassed and sad for my friends and classmates as they sat looking down at their desks waiting for the humiliation of their test finally being placed in front of them at the bottom of the pile. It has haunted me ever since…

The PD Naughty List
As we approach holiday season, now seems like the perfect time to talk about my PD naughty list. These are things that professional development facilitators should never say. Really, please don’t say these things. It strips away your credibility and makes for a less impactful experience for your participants.